Saturday, June 26, 2010

Ostia Antica

This morning our group got up bright and early to take a bus and a train to Ostia Antica. Ostia Antica was the main port for Rome in the 2nd century, notable for its bathhouses and salt storage facilities. In a way this trip was much more fun than the visit to the Roman Forum because we got to walk through the actual ruins. Only 2/3 of Ostia Antica has actually been excavated. The rest is waiting to be pieced back together.

Look at the crazy way this brick wall was put together!

It was a beautiful day, so we went to the beach!

(the hatted figure in the distance is Yuting, not me.)

The beach was full of people and vendors trying to sell their goods, but it was a very relaxing venture nonetheless. The water was warmer than that of the Puget Sound (did I even have to mention that??) and tasted less salty.

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